Tuesday, 25 October 2016

From Corporate to Entrepreneur – sharing my story & learnings

3)    Getting down to business - Quarter 1 – key learnings (Part 1)

The first 3 months was such a huge learning and leap of faith. During this time I often felt wow what just happened … Anybody who thinks that owning and managing your own business is easy and you have lots of time on your hands, think again. You work hard and I mean you work hard often both physically and emotionally. So be prepared for one of the most wonderful journeys … owning and managing your own business

So many people think & dream of their own little coffee shop a dream come true … yes it is a huge privilege but hey you need to know what it would entail and what it is going to take. Often people I speak to have a total different and idealist idea about it and are not prepared of the road ahead. For this reason I decided to share my story and the learnings from owning and managing a small coffee shop – as it can be such a wonderful & blessed experience

The first three months flew by in a nick of time! Very busy packed days and long hours was my everyday routine as I tried to get to grips of the business and how to take it forward.

A good surprise, was to loose so much weight in the first months … this by just walking around and being on my feet most of the time … remember I use to work for a Corporate before.

So what was the learnings for the first 3 months?

1)      Month 1 run business on similar basis as previous owner: As mentioned in previous blog, try your utmost best not to change things immediately, (except for things that are wrong and needs to be changed immediately) check it out make notes and jot down ideas on how you’d like to improve things from second month. In month two gradually start minor changes and tweaks. Update your business plan as you go along … remember your business plan is a dynamic document http://www.madtrainingsolutions.co.za/business_basics_business_plan.html

2)      Company registration: Choose a name not taken before for your company, do the search on CIPC website on http://www.cipc.co.za/   Make sure you choose registration of your company in the most appropriate way as this will have tax implications going forward. For example the difference between registering a Sole proprietor vs Ltd Pty company. See more info on different types of companies in South Africa and tax implications  http://www.madtrainingsolutions.co.za/business_basics_types.html

Check with your accountant as to which, for your circumstances, would be the best option. Do your homework

3)      Bank account: Choose the most appropriate Business Account as the packages differ a lot and your choice will depend on how your business will run day to day. If you are going to do a lot of cash deposits check the costs as this vary a lot as well. Make sure you vary your trips to the bank … go at different times and different days. Check what the Business account package include as extras. If you have a merchant machine (credit card) remember the commission vary a lot, choose the lowest as this will deplete your profits. Also make a decision on what the minimum transaction amount on the cards would be for your business.

4)      Ensure you have cash flow:   Majority of companies fail in the first 6 months due to lack of cash flow. When opening your bank account place a buffer amount in your account. This should only be used in case of emergencies and should only be taped into in the beginning of the month to serve as a buffer as profit start coming in. Remember in the beginning of the month you have to buy fresh stock this needs money. Keep the amount consistent for example if you started with a R 10 000 buffer keep the R 10 000 buffer as a minimum  

5)      Web / email / phone: one of the things we often forget when we work for a Corporate is how convenient it is if some-one (in IT) takes care of all of this … a bit more difficult to do all of this on your own if you are not very technical inclined. But hey there is very good service providers out there and they are very helpful. Make sure you have all the needed IT set up and equipment. Useful tip set up a small Wi-Fi router in order for you to be able to use multiple devices it really makes your life easier as well as it really is very cost effective

More to follow on learnings from first 3 months …

Important in the first three months it is not all about what you look at but all about what you can see …  important quote from Henry D Thoreau

Thursday, 20 October 2016

This time of the year is just so hectic and just such a rush!

Most of us have only 2 months to achieve our goals and targets for 2016

In this time we focus on what worked what did not work …

So question is how do we continue and keep going in the last months?


Below a very relevant quote (from W Churchill)  for this time period …

The key is to have the courage to continue …

Good luck and please share your thoughts and feedback

Have a great rest of the week!
regards the MAD Guru

Friday, 14 October 2016

From Corporate to Entrepreneur – sharing my story & learnings

2)    The next step - from idea to reality - First month

So then yes it happened my request for voluntary retrenchment was approved. Now there was no turning back. We finalized the purchasing of the Coffee shop in the next week and again checked all is in order. Arranged with the previous owner to train me as part of the hand over for two weeks. It all worked out 100%, I left my previous job the agreed Friday and drove straight to the coffee shop to do a handover and stock take that same afternoon.

The First two weeks

I decided to take full opportunity of the first two weeks of training from the previous owner and found out Everything on how they operated the shop … from menu, to people management, to managing cash, to managing admin, to managing stock and suppliers as well as all about the every-day running of the shop.

Key Learning: even if you have experience and a lot of ideas, take time find out from the previous owner / manager how the business ran on a day to day basis … keep an open mind it will save you a lot of time. And remember there is always something you can learn and not duplicate … don’t unnecessary reinvent the wheel

The First month:

I then decided to run the first month based on the same principal it ran previously and checked and tested what’s working and what not. I refined my business plan during that first month in business. I started making notes of possible other/different ways to do things for future months. It is always a good idea to only start changing things once you have assessed the reality … only when you knew out rightly it was wrong change it immediately

Key Learning: even if you have experience and a lot of ideas, take time find out from the previous owner / manager how the business ran on a day to day basis … keep an open mind it will save you a lot of time. And remember there is always something you can learn and not duplicate … don’t unnecessary reinvent the wheel

Also during this first month I ensured I had expectation meetings with all staff and set the expectation and standards going forward. I ensure I opened the appropriate Business Bank account that suited this business. (Regular deposits of cash, change requirements and EFT payments, merchant machine). I also ensured I got to know every aspect of the business … personally I learnt how to make every item on the menu, how all the equipment operated and how every routine etc. worked.

See important quote from Richard Branson below. I did this and I can guarantee this is worth it and works like magic. Remember this with any business … make sure you are familiar with all aspects of that business and know exactly how it operates … payback will definitely come in future

If I'm setting up a new business I'll spend three or four months learning everything there is about that business, everything there is about that subject and then I will find good people to run it on a day-to-day basis, but whilst they're running it at least I know what they're talking about when they come back to me.

-Richard Branson ( Running, People, Good People, Come Back To Me, New Business, Bases, Four, Months, Subjects, Talking, Three, Day To Day, Setting, Settings, Knows, Learning Everything, Ifs,) 

For more info on starting your own business and taking your idea to reality, handy tips and guides click on the link below
Have you started your own business ... Please share your experience and learnings from the first month
Soon more to follow on From Corporate to Entrepreneur on the MAD Guru blog
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. - Arnold H. Glasow

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

As from today I will start sharing some top line learnings and tips from my Journey as I moved from working for a Corporate company to owning my own business - The MAD Guru
From Corporate to Entrepreneur – sharing my story & learnings

1)    The Big Decision:

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to take the big jump, to move from working for a Corporate company to owning and managing my own Business – what a giant leap! And after almost 3 years I must say it is All worth it!

After more than 22 years working for Corporate companies I had an opportunity to opt for a voluntary retrenchment package … this was a huge decision and step to consider.

The FIRST STEP when facing such an important opportunity is to ensure you do your homework well. Look at the different options, inspect them all and ask as many questions as possible. Speak to people who previously did this … listen with an open ear and remember you cannot compare some-one else’s experience with the one you are about to have, however it gives you some background.

Speak with your financial adviser. Check the Tax implications as you will be amazed as to how much of your package will be disappearing due to tax deductions. Also bear in mind how much of your income from your own business in future will be allocated to Tax

MOST IMPORTANT speak to your spouse / partner, discuss the various options in depth. Be brutally honest, discuss and find out the facts around what will cost what, discuss your options. Discuss it and discuss it again, look at all angles. Remember you do not have to make a decision over night … this is a Huge step you are taking and this involves and impacts not only yourself.

NEXT STEP what are you going to do once you have taken that voluntary package and stop working? We decided I will start my own Training Company as this is my passion and skills, however in the meantime, as it takes time to start and set up a Training Company, question was what am I going to do to stay busy? With my personality type it was important that I stayed busy. We searched around for businesses for sale … and decided a small coffee shop was a great option! We made the sums and found out the details checked the lease agreement and added up all the numbers, checked it and discussed whether this is what I wanted to do.

IMPORTANT TIP: it is always a great idea when you decide to start a business check the following 3 key aspects: is this in line with your Passion / your Purpose, is this in Line with your Capabilities / what you are trained on, and is this in line with your Skills / things you can do really well. For me both the Training Company and the Coffee Shop was a great fit

Once you and your spouse / partner is 100% happy with the way forward actively pursue the option to take the voluntary retirement package. Be serious about it and go for it

Set out and decide on guiding principles for the big step and the way forward … for example, for us the following was important: we were going to ensure that we save the Provident Fund savings by placing it in a Preservation fund (minimizing the tax impact) and also save the Package money. We decided to purchase a small coffee shop (where the key was to ensure I use it as a learning school and an opportunity to make a difference.) It was okay if worst happens and things did not go well and it did not make a lot of money as long as it did not cost us anything … in other words the business should at the minimum break even. The Training company was in the early planning and set up phase, and I knew exactly where and what my focus will be for the Training Company.


IMPORTANT TIP: Do not cash out your Provident Fund as this will be gone sooner than you think you are going to need this money later more than you need it now. If at all possible do not use all your money from the package pay out to purchase a business. Rather Start smaller and build and expand the business. Important you will need cash flow when starting businesses.

After all of this we felt comfortable enough and “ready” to take this giant leap of faith … for me to move from corporate to entrepreneur
Below a quote from Martin L King Jr from Brainy quote


Monday, 10 October 2016

Today I'd like to share an important Quote from R Tagore:
Important if you want to achieve something ... you need to take that First step ...
It never works if you keep staring at that first step ... take it ... that first step, which often is the most difficult step and then just keep going!

Keep checking out this Blog as soon I will start sharing some learnings as I moved from working for a Corporate company to owning my own Business ... called From Corporate to Entrepreneur: Key learnings

Friday, 7 October 2016

In today's ever-changing environment the only consistent thing is Change ...
So what causes stress in your life? How do you deal with stress in your life?

Do you know that based on your unique personality type you are likely to respond to specific triggers of stress?
For some people it is lack of structure, loss of competency, rushed jobs... for some one else it is loss of being in control, slow pace ... for some one else it is lack of being involved, lack of flexibility fun ... for others it is unfair treatment of others, being pressured and sudden change ...
My question is which of these triggers causes stress? It always helps to know what causes stress in your life ... what are the triggers. Once you know that it is always a bit easier to identify the trigger and deal with it and cope throughout the process.

Check out the summary slide below on causes of stress, stress signals and how to make if better
The below is a slide from Insights Discovery
Visit http://www.madtrainingsolutions.co.za  click on Discover yourself for more info on Insights Discovery or http://www.insightsdiscovery.com

Please share your thoughts and comments!

© Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland, 2006. All rights reserved. INSIGHTS, INSIGHTS DISCOVERY and INSIGHTS WHEEL are registered Trade Marks.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Today I would like to share a quote from Jim Rohn from Brainy Quotes:
How true that all we need to move from our Goals to Accomplishment is Discipline
Perseverance and Focusing on our Goals knowing what it is we would like to achieve.... that will assist you on your journey
Do not get discouraged when things don't happen immediately or take a different path
Practice Discipline and Preserve and Know you will get there

 Please share your comments and your story on your journey ... taking it from Goals to Accomplishment

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

This weeks MAD Training Solutions Quote:
Goals are such an important part of our daily lives ..
However if we don't put a Plan together and act on the Plan ...
this goal just stays a Wish!!
Nothing is going to happen!
Add those plans to your goals
and get started
it all starts with the First step!