Tuesday, 17 January 2017

New Blog URL

Please check out my new blog on the following link below:

Blog Name: The Mad Guru
Blog URL:

Monday, 9 January 2017

New Years resolutions



How are you doing on those New Year's resolutions you have made?


Suggestion stick with 2 -3 key ones and keep on reminding yourself at the beginning of each week

focus on what is important and what will make a difference and impact

Set key goals and outcomes for each week ...

Make it work ...


share your progress and thoughts ...

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

How do you define Success?

How do you define Success?

We all strive for Success … this time of the year we start to reflect on 2016. And we ask ourselves was it a successful year? We look forward to 2017 and make a pledge this year I want to be successful!

But hey, if I would ask you what does success mean to you? Can you define it? What exactly is success in your eyes?

If you don’t have a clear definition of what success means to you … how can you achieve it?

If you do a Google search on Success, ask people to define success … it is amazing how many different meanings/versions there is.

Majority of the definitions involve achieving, reaching set goals

So personal success, do you know what that means for you …

Make sure you define it or else you will search for it your whole life and never achieve it!

For me Personal Success means I do what I love to do and am good at, be the best me that only I can be, make a difference in what really matters and through all of that are able to generate a sustainable income

So what about you?

Share your thoughts what does personal Success mean to you?


Monday, 5 December 2016

Setting High Impact Business Goals

High Impact Business Goals

Today I would like to share my thoughts around business goals

Whether you are a business owner or working for a company it really doesn’t matter because we all need to set & achieve business goals

Some of us utilize SMART objectives, some of us utilize DUMB objectives, some of us call it the G-wave objectives

It doesn’t matter what you utilize, what is important is that we decide and determine:

1.     What we want to achieve, by when

2.     What it would look like when we have achieved it

3.     Who we need or need to involve in order to achieve these goals

4.     What the 3 key important things is what we need to do in order to reach these goals

These goals need to be specific, realistic, doable, understandable, meaningful and beneficial and linked to a timeframe

Ask yourself, why these goals are important, what if these were not your goals what would be the impact

Important you need to be able to visualise what it would be like when you achieve these goals

Make sure you check your progress on a regular basis and then give it a go … do it!
Please share your experience and thoughts with setting and achieving business goals, what works for you ....

Monday, 28 November 2016

Optimal use of your time as a business owner is key

Optimal use of your time
When you are a business owner or an entrepreneur one of the key things to manage is your time. You might think you have all this time on your hands and suddenly you might ask; so what happened to all the time?
As an entrepreneur / business owner you need to manage your time optimally or else you might end up not doing the important and key things needed for your business. Or you might end up working all day and all night without stop! Which is not healthy
Remember if you don't do it, it would mean no one else will do it!
I would like to share a couple of key tips from my experience:
1.    Get a routine as soon as possible
ü  If you are a morning person - schedule important and high involvement things to do in the morning and the more routine things for the afternoon and vice versa
ü  Try and get into some kind of habit – Monday mornings:  you will check stock / check what needs to be done for week and refine your plan for the week, Tuesday mornings you will spend time on checking all social media in a bit more detail etc.
ü  Use your smart phone diary – add in planner details and reminders on things to do
2.    Make a list of all the important things you have to do
ü  Make a list of essential things that will drive your business
ü  Make a list of how often in the month / week this needs to be done
3.    Put a planner together
ü  Start by putting a plan together for the month – slot in things from the  important list
ü  Then refine it to weekly and fill in the gaps
ü  Be specific – and vary your mornings and afternoons – or else it might get a bit boring and most of the time you will end up not as productive as you could have been
4.    Check regularly that you have in fact done what is needed
ü  Do a regular check in as to whether you have done what was on your list and planned
ü  Remember most of the time as an entrepreneur in a small business … if you don’t do it … it will not happen
Please share your experience, tips and guides on what you do as an entrepreneur to use your time optimally

Thursday, 17 November 2016

5 Key Personality Traits of a successful entrepreneur

Thinking of starting your own business?
So what is the key personality traits of an entrepreneur?

Below 5 Key Personality traits I believe is crucial to have to be a successful entrepreneur

1.    You need to be Tenacious & Tolerant

Be prepared that you will get a lot more No’s than Yes’s

Know that not everything is going to work, what then can you handle it?

If and when things go wrong will you get up and try again?

2.    You must have Passion & Vision

Believe in what you do

Love what you do

Make sure you build your business on the following recipe:

 Skill, Experience and Passion make sure you have all three of these

3.    You must have Self-Discipline and Drive

If you need some-one to tell you what to do or to give you structure and direction – this is not for you

You need to be a self-starter and have the self-discipline and drive to do all things - not only things you like to do

4.    Be flexible and open to try something different

Be open to try and try again. Sometimes the tried and tested might not work and you will have to try something different. Open-mindedness is key

5.    You need to believe in yourself and be confident

Believe in yourself and know yourself – what you are good at and what you are not good at

Be bold and be honest with yourself

A high level of self-awareness is key


Please send me your thoughts what personality traits to you believe makes a successful entrepreneur?

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Impact of good self awareness on teams, companies and leadership

Today I would like to share and highlight the impact of Good Self-awareness on teams, companies and leadership

1.     Teams filled with Self-aware people are more effective

2.     Organisations with poor results usually have people with lower self-awareness

3.     High Self-awareness = a good predictor for Leadership success

See info below from Insights Discovery

So it starts at home … how are you doing?

This time of year with all the performance appraisals and reviews …

Self-awareness comes to the foreground like no other time of year

 your colleagues, peers and your manager gives you their feedback and input


One of the best tools to improve your own self-awareness is the Insights Discovery Personal profile

If you have invested in this great tool … my question when last did you read through it?

Do yourself a favour take it out from your cupboard or draw … find it

And take some time to read through it again

Do a quick check in with yourself

You will be amazed …

If you have any questions regarding your profile or just would like to have a quick chat and share session

Please pop me a quick email on madtrainingsolutions@gmail.com   or share your thoughts

If you have not invested in your Insights Discovery Personal profile …
No problem please pop me an email and I can send you a quote